
Memini Hikaris

“Memini Hikaris” could be the name of the plants in this video. A possible translation could be “I remember the lights.” Taking place in the middle of Mohri Park, these plants take root amidst the neon lights of Roppongi. As night falls, the plants grow, unleashed by art and creativity. When the sun finally rises, plants and memories fade, awaiting the next event to dance once again. With this video I wanted to crystallize the feeling of being surrounded by inspiring things, in a limited time and in a specific place.

Hikaribor Sonus

This neon tree is composed by the 六本木 kanjis. Taking place in the middle of Mohri Park, these lights are dancing a mechanical choreography orchestrated by the music. Location, rotation, lights are directly linked to the intensity of the sound. I have been passionate about synesthesia for years, and this inspired me to explore the possible connections between sound intensity and light intensity, colors, movements, and camera cuts.

Octopus Hikari

Inspired by one of my old digital paintings, “L’ampoulpe” (2010)(https://www.deviantart.com/neoyume/ar…, this video features an audio-reactive octopus celebrating colors, lights, and dance through the power of music. I have been passionate about synesthesia for years, and this inspired me to explore the possible connections between sound intensity and light intensity, colors, movements, and camera cuts.